Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sick Baby

Last night Connor had his first illness.  Poor guy.  He threw up 6 times within an hour.  I called the after hours nurse and she said to go ahead and take him to the ER because with babies this young they have to worry about dehydration.  So we sat there for 3 hours to find out that he had a stomach virus, but he was able to hold down the Pedialyte they gave us so we were sent home.  I want to know why they couldn't have just told us to try Pedialyte first before we dragged him off to the hospital.  And who knows how much that visit is going to cost!  Oh well, you live, you learn.

Connor came home and slept from 11 pm until 5 am!  He is feeling much better this morning, but we are skipping church just in case he spreads it to someone else.  We have our sweet happy baby back!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Con St. P
Originally uploaded by cokesgrl
Wearing his bib from Grandma Ruth from Foster. He was confused about what we were doing with the Playstation camera!


Con Bumbo St. P
Originally uploaded by cokesgrl
Connor sitting in his Bumbo on St. Patrick's Day. This outfit is from Great Aunt Debbie!

Mommy and Connor!

R and C
Originally uploaded by cokesgrl

Sunday, March 22, 2009


My friend informed me today that Connor is not a chunk, so I asked Joe what his measurements were.  I was going to look it up the averages on, but then he told me that the nurse wrote them on the sheet they sent home with us.  It turns out our baby is teeny tiny!  He is 25th percentile in height, 10th percentile in weight, and 5th percentile in head circumference!  What a wittle guy!

Pray for us over the next two weeks.  Connor will be going to two different people's homes, plus one day at home with dad because my cousin's son has been exposed to the chicken pox!  I don't know how he is going to handle all of the changes we are throwing his way, poor guy!  Plus I am way exhausted from lack of sleep, so I will need all the strength and sleep I can get to finish out this school year.  LORD HELP ME!

Friday, March 20, 2009

2 Month Check Up

March 18 was Connor's 2 month check up at the pediatrician.  He is doing fantastical!  He is 22 inches long now and weighs 9 lb 14 oz.  What a chunk!  He also had to get 3 shots.  He did so great...he screamed until he got fed, got his shots, and then finished eating.  No more tears after that!  So while I was at the doctor's office, I noticed they had several copies of Baby Wise and Toddler Wise.  I wonder if they hand those out or sell them...

Joe and I have been taking Spring Break to get Connor sleeping through the night.  Although it was a fight at first, it has gotten much better.  However, I CAN'T SLEEP!  It is so annoying.  Connor will probably be waking up here in an hour and a half and I don't even feel sleepy yet.  Is there anything you can take while breastfeeding?

I really wanted to work on getting back into shape while we were having this nice weather, but it seems like instead of taking a "Spring break" I have been trying to play catch-up with housework, bills, and errands.  And, Connor is still on a 3 hour routine, so it makes it hard to get a lot done before I have to feed him again.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fake ID

Fake ID
Originally uploaded by cokesgrl
Connor took this picture on Valentine's Day; he wasn't quite a month old, but he looks at least a year!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Rachel's First Day Without Connor

Well, I made it through my first day and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

This afternoon has been pretty draining. My 4th, 5th, and 6th hours are full and are quite the handfuls. Dealing with them on little sleep is tough! Hopefully Connor gets better at sleeping through the night soon so I can have more patience. On a better note, all of my students were so glad to see me today. They did not like the substitute.

47 school days left this year...