Friday, November 30, 2012

November Update

So sweet little John has been in our family for one week! Oh the adventures we have already had!

Connor is doing great as big brother! He wants John to be a "kid" so badly so they can play together.  He even shared his Lightening McQueen car with brother to try to entice him to play...but John just wasn't interested. :)  Joe has been taking Connor to school every day this week and he is coming home and being a great helper!

The only scare we have had with the boys was when Connor was scooting backwards in a chair.  The chair collapsed and they both fell - right on top of poor little John's legs!  Of course I freaked out, so Joe ran out of the shower to see John in my left arm, Connor in my right arm, and all three of us crying!  We are all ok now!

John had not pooped since we left the hospital, so Joe prayed over him Tuesday night to let the floodgates open...and his prayer was answered.  Not only have we had crazy diapers, but last night we learned that liquid poop can literally shoot across a room.

The Birth Story

NOVEMBER 22, 2012

Joe felt sorry for me because I was still pregnant, so he decided to cook all of my favorite side dishes for dinner.  Mom and Dad came over and brought a ham.  We took Connor to Bass Pro to see Santa and kill time.  Wal-Mart decided to begin their Black Friday sale on Thursday at 8 pm this year, so I told Joe we were going - surely the chaos of crazy Wal-Mart people would get this baby out!  We got home about 8:30 after buying underwear, video games, and pancake mix.  Feeling severely disappointed that I wasn't in labor, I went to bed.

At 9:10 I felt a contraction and told Joe to write it down just in case this wasn't Braxton Hicks anymore.  I tried to rest, but these were painful enough to keep me awake, so I decided just to get up.  I called both sets of parents just to let them know things might be going down.  Then we called friends who had said they would come over and let Connor sleep if we needed to go to the hospital.  But of course, since it was Thanksgiving, they were out of town! Our next plan of action was to wake Connor up and take him over to my cousin's house and let him spend the night.  We didn't want to do this unless I was for sure in labor.  I knew I was, but I wasn't sure how long to wait because my contractions were random from 4 minutes apart to 9 minutes apart, never really consistent.  However, they were painful enough and I was tired enough that I made the decision to head to the hospital...

Good choice!  We dropped Connor off and got to the hospital around 12:30. I couldn't even make it to the check in desk - they put me in the first room to check me.  I was dilated to between a 5-6 already!  My contractions never did become consistent, but they were strong enough and the baby was headed down so I was admitted. I asked for my epidural, but of course, I had to have pain medication and do all of my lab work first.  

When I finally got the epidural in, my body immediately relaxed...and that's when the baby decided to make his move!  The nurse came in to find out why his heart rate had dropped and it was because he was already in the birth canal about to make his appearance.  Immediately the doctor and 4 other hospital people zoomed in to prepare for the birth.  I asked why so many people came in at once and they told me because the baby was coming very quickly.  

After just one push everyone looked as though they were about to panic.  Apparently the baby's should was stuck on my pelvic bone.  The doctor tried to get him unstuck while a nurse shoved Joe out of the way and was pushing on my side.  Meanwhile, I was busy vomiting.  But that second push got the baby out.  He was blue when they laid him on me. but after about 30 seconds they got him to breathe!  He turned white after that, but the more he screamed the pinker he got.  

Other than being a little swollen and me feeling light headed, everything turned out really well.  We named our sweet baby boy John Cameron.  He looks just like big brother did at this age!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

More Like Jesus

In one of the YouVersion plans I am reading right now, I came across this paragraph:

"Think about it. Jesus poured his life into the lives of twelve ordinary men, investing most of His time with them. At one point, He even washed their feet--the act of a slave or a servant. He healed the sick. He loved the poor. He was concerned about the widow, the orphan, and the person who was left out. He loved kids. He got angry when the religious leaders put the legalism of the Law before the love of God and the love for people. Even when mankind was murdering Him on the cross, He chose to forgive."

Not only do I wish I could be more like Christ, but I also want my children to see that example in their parents so that they can also grow to be more like Christ.  The problem is, I always think that I want to be more like Christ, but when I look at the reality of it I get overwhelmed with where to begin.  Where do I find the widows and the orphans?  How do I heal the sick - is praying for them enough? Is giving money to a certain organization that helps these groups of people what I should be doing?  How do I know if I am contributing my fair share of helping those in need?  

I know with Christmas coming up, I always want to do something with my family to help out those in need, but I can't help but think that Jesus did it all year round.  What do those hungry people do the rest of the year?

Connor is at the age now where I think it is very important to be the example of a parent of what I think he needs in his adult life.  With adding a second child to the family, I am even more conscious of what it means to be the example.