Tuesday, February 10, 2009

23 days old

Today was another doctor's visit for Mr. Connor James Coakley.  He gained 7.5 ounces this past week!  He now weighs 8 pounds with an extra half ounce.  My little boy has become a pig!  His length is 21 inches, which puts him in the 90th percentile for length!  He's tall.  I don't know where he gets it from, because I certainly did not contribute to his height!  

After the doctor, we went to lunch with Alison and Ashlin who were also at the doctor.  Ashlin had to get her two month shots.  Connor will be getting those on March 18.  The lactation nurse thought it was hilarious that Connor and Ashlin knew each other and that Alison and I joked about them being boyfriend and girlfriend!

Connor may experience his first tornado today...we'll see.  He did experience his first elevator ride today at the ESC.

1 comment:

Tessa said...

He's still a tiny little pig! Dawson was 8 lbs. 11oz. when he was born! ;)