Monday, December 6, 2010

What a way to start a week. Last night around 11 Joe woke me up to say that we had left the garage open and there was a skunk in there stinking up the whole house. I could smell it from bed.

Then, Connor and I ran to the store to get a couple of items and as we were getting in the car to come home, Connor locked all the doors and I shut the last one. All my stuff was in the car with him, so I had to borrow a phone from a nice young man and call Joe to come unlock the car. The whole time I was waiting for Joe to come I kept trying to tell Connor to unlock the door but he had no idea how to do it, and besides, he was having a grand ole time pretending to drive and take his pants off!

Hopefully the rest of our Christmas season won't be this adventurous!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Connor's First Prayer

Tonight for dinner, Connor said his first prayer. We had already prayed over the food and he wanted to pray again, so I told him it was his turn. I told him to repeat after me and here is what he said:

"God, love you, amen!"

It was sooo sweet! In other news, Joe and I have really been enjoying Connor at this age. He is so sweet to give hugs and kisses and he learns a new word every single day! He loves both his Papa's and talks about them all the time. We are excited to see how he will react to all of the holidays this year.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Another celebration!

So Connor has pooped in the potty 3 times now, and today he went pee pee! Woo hoo!

He is growing so big now. We are thrilled he is walking and talking so much more. Yesterday we took him in the kiddie pool in our backyard and he loved it. He even went under several times and didn't even cry. Pics on FB if you want to see him swimming.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Potty Time

We timed it right and Connor went poo poo in the potty! Joe and celebrated with him and let him flush the toilet. Hopefully this is the start of something beautiful!

Connor finally started walking on May 17 - 1 and a half weeks before the pediatrician was going to check him out and maybe recommend physical therapy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Talks So Cute!

Trying to teach Connor new things to say has been so fun because he tried to copy the inflection in our voices. Today he repeated me when I said, "oh brother!" He also says "there he is" when we say "where's Connor?"

Other words Connor can say:
Bye bye

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Connor loves to play Peek-A-Boo with us. He's at the point now where he covers his own eye. We always say, "where's Connor? there he is!" So now, instead of saying Peek-A-Boo at the end he says "There he is!" So cute!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Yesterday, Joe had to pick Connor up and take him home since I had a basketball game. When I went to say bye to Connor and give him a kiss, he leaned over and kissed me, too! It was so sweet.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


We have teeth! Hooray! Yesterday morning when Connor woke up I felt his bottom gums because we knew they were coming and I feel sharp little points. His two bottom front teeth have finally broken through the gums, just a week before he turns one.