Monday, December 6, 2010

What a way to start a week. Last night around 11 Joe woke me up to say that we had left the garage open and there was a skunk in there stinking up the whole house. I could smell it from bed.

Then, Connor and I ran to the store to get a couple of items and as we were getting in the car to come home, Connor locked all the doors and I shut the last one. All my stuff was in the car with him, so I had to borrow a phone from a nice young man and call Joe to come unlock the car. The whole time I was waiting for Joe to come I kept trying to tell Connor to unlock the door but he had no idea how to do it, and besides, he was having a grand ole time pretending to drive and take his pants off!

Hopefully the rest of our Christmas season won't be this adventurous!!!

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